Deborah’s YouTube Channel
This week we’re featuring a YouTube channel brought to us by a WEBC family member. Deborah shares God’s goodness using the gifts he has given her. So encouraging, check it out!
Hi everyone, a little about who I am:
I am a child of God, born in Coventry, UK. I lived in South Africa for 30 years, now back in the UK, 2 1/2 years now.
I love to share God’s goodness, ’cause if He can change me, He can change anyone. I’ve been sending voice messages for many years, and I was encouraged by a couple of friends in South Africa to start a YouTube channel, which I did (with a little help).
I love to share what God gives me, and testify His greatness, to inspire and encourage others. (As we all need encouraging, especially in these dark days we are facing.)
The Lord, had blessed me with the gift of prayer and intercession, so that is what I love to do.
Sharing is caring, even if it only makes a one-off difference, it’s worth it! Romans 1 v 16 -17 tells us Paul was unashamed to preach the gospel, but it’s the power of God to bring salvation.