Records & Membership Roll

Church Records

Our Church has maintained a good set of records, most of which are now stored at the new County Records Office at Chippenham.

Here are the details of what is contained in our records.

Description of Record Book


Exclusion Period

Church Record Book containing: [1] Historical account of the church in 1825 and the building of the new chapel in 1868; [2] Church Meeting minutes 1825-90; [3] Roll of church members with dates of baptism, admission, exclusion and death.

1825 – 1890

Draft church record book containing: [1] Decision to take down the old chapel and erect the new one in 1868; [2] Church meeting minutes; [3] Roll of church members with dates of baptism, admission, exclusion and death.

1867 – 1875

Register of members giving dates of baptism, admission, exclusion and death

1825 – 1905

Register of members giving dates of admission, exclusion and death, with ticket number register [1905-18].

1841 – 1918

Register of members giving dates of admission, exclusion and death, with ticket number reister [1919-26]. The register forms the membership roll between 1942-59.

1868 – 1961

List of church members: at the rear of the volume is a list of garments made and sold by the ladies working party for the Renovation Fund [see 3147/67]

1938 – 1948

Transfer of membership application forms and dismission forms

1930 -1940

Church meeting minute books ( 5 volumes )

1876 – 1961

Church meeting minute book

1962 – 1980

30 years

Deacons’ meeting minute books ( 2 volumes )

1923 – 1938

Deacons’ meeting minute books ( 2 volumes )

1939 – 1980

50 years

Register : marriages ( 4 volumes )

1934 – 1976

Church account book – incidental expenses and summary pew rents

1887 – 1917

Church account books ( 8 volumes )

1925 – 1980

Pew rent books ( 3 volumes )

1882 – 1893
1905 – 1920

Pew rent book [1902-4] with summary pew rent accounts [1904-9], stipend accounts form [1905-33] and pulpit supply accounts [1909-10].

1902 – 1933

Ordinance collection account book

1894 – 1937

12 Church Notice Books. Missing books for this period = Dec’65-Aug’66 & Sep’67-May’68.

1960 – 1975

Sunday School record book containing a register of officers and teachers, class rolls, addresses of old scholars, missionary collections and an account of the history of the church from 1825.

1911 – 1912

Sunday School teachers’ meeting minute books ( 2 volumes )

1913 – 1966

Sunday School teachers’ meeting minute book [Junior Church from 1972]

1967 – 1987

30 years

Sunday School attendance registers for scholars and teachers ( 2 volumes )

1861 – 1901

Sunday School attandance registers [Primary] (2 volumes )

1950 – 1977

Sunday School attendance register [Junior/Senior]

1960 – 1972

Sunday School account books ( 2 volumes )

1864 – 1903

Cradle Roll banner

1957 – 1967

Cradle Roll register

1962 – 1982

Christian Endeavour meeting minute book and attendance register

1933 – 1960

Westbury & District Union of Christian Endeavour : Council Meeting minute book.

1952 – 1960

Drama group meeting minute book

1970 – 1981

Renovation Fund: working party order and account book for garments made and sold


Renovation Fund, weekly contribution account books (3)


Estimates for minor repairs to the church and manse: heating and decorating.

1933 – 1939

Designs and quotations for the then new church windows

1935 – 1938

Charity commission papers relating to Eliza and Anna Deacon’s legacy for the benefit of the minister, and from 1929 Charlotte Laverton’s charity.

1908 – 1932

Application forms for annual ministerial sustentation grant  [1930-46 plus 1951]

1930 – 1951

Printing block: Revd H G Doel & Diaconate [see 3147:79 for names]

Printing block: the Manse

Papers about the purchase of land for the new manse in Bratton Road


Photograph of the new Manse: 35 Bratton Road, Westbury [for building plans see G17/760/141].


Illustrated souvenir album for the church bazaar in aid of the new manse


Illustrated album and handbook for the church bazaar [2 copies]


150th Anniversary: re-union weekend memento.